Enable a new language on Weblate

If the language you're planning to enable is part of our (Tier-1) languages, you may proceed. Else, propose this on the tails-l10n mailing list.

  1. Add the new language code to the exclude setting in ikiwiki.setup and have this change reviewed and merged into our master branch.

  2. Add the new language to $weblate_additional_languages in manifests/website/params.pp and have a sysadmin review your changes and deploy them to production.

  3. To create PO files for the new language and commit them to Git, run this command on the system that runs our translation platform, as the weblate user:


    Once satisfied, run this command again with the --modify argument, so it actually performs the desired changes:

    ~/scripts/weblate_status.py --modify

    Note that this script must not be run concurrently with cron.sh. Hence, they both use a shared lock file.

    The changes made by the above script must be manually pushed to the canonical repo, as we don't allow Weblate to create new files:

    sudo -u weblate /var/lib/weblate/scripts/shell_in_container.sh
    cd /integration
    git pull weblate master
    git push weblate-gatekeeper master
  4. Finally, to update the Weblate components, run this command as the weblate user:

    python3 /usr/local/share/weblate/manage.py \
               loadpo --all --lang <LANG>

    … where <LANG> is the newly added 2-letter language code.

Add a new language to the Tails website and the bundled offline documentation

When a new language is sufficiently translated (especially the core pages), this are the steps needed to make it available on our website and ship it with new versions of Tails:

  • Browse the translation on our staging site and make sure that it has no big issues.

  • Checkout and build locally the weblate repository, and see that there are no errors.

  • Edit the ./ikiwiki.setup file, both for the production website and in the tails/tails project (for the bundled offline documentation) (example for Russian locale):

    • Remove the locale from the regexp exclude line.

    • Add locale to po_slave_languages list (in alphabetical order).

  • Update the wiki/src/contribute/l10n_tricks/language_statistics.sh script by adding the new language to LANGUAGES and maybe updating the list of languages not activated in the website yet.

Fix missing not-in-production languages

If our integration scripts for some reason fail to add to a component the languages that are only enabled in Weblate and not in production, you may fix it (or at least try to reproduce the issue) by doing the following:

  1. Force the creation of the language files: weblate_status.py --modify

  2. Pull the changes from the Weblate repo and manually push them to the canonical repo.

  3. Wait for or manually run cron.sh.

  4. Tell Weblate to load the new .po files: weblate loadpo --foreground tails/wikisrcnewsversion_58po

Manually fix issues

Our Weblate codebase is stored in /usr/local/share/weblate.

If commands have to be run, they should be run as the weblate user; for example, with sudo -u weblate COMMAND.

However, this VM is supposed to run smoothly without human intervention, so be careful with what you do and please document modifications you make so that they can be fed back to a more appropriate place, such as our Puppet code or this document.

Reload translations from Git and cleanup orphaned checks and suggestions

If something went wrong, we may need to ask Weblate to reload all translations from Git, using the following command:

sudo -u weblate ./manage.py loadpo --all


Make sure that cronjobs are enabled:

sudo -u weblate crontab -l


So, after - lets say - pulling a new Weblate version, from the directory /usr/local/share/weblate you need run, the Generic Upgrade Instructions as weblate user:

In oder to update all checks after an upgrade:

sudo -u weblate python3 manage.py updatechecks --all

see documentation: "This could be useful only on upgrades which do major changes to checks."

Fix broken commit_pending

Occasionally, Weblate's manage.py commit_pending, that's run by cron, will get stuck on a specific file.

To fix that, one can delete the translation change that breaks stuff.

  1. Run the commit_pending thing by hand. If it gets stuck on "committing $FILE", then read on. Otherwise you're probably experiencing a different problem.

  2. Find the ID of the affected subproject (i.e. translation file) in the trans_subprojet table. For example:

     select id from trans_subproject where name = 'wiki/src/install/mac/usb.*.po';
  3. Find the ID of the broken translation, for example:

     select id from trans_translation where subproject_id = 1889 and language_code = 'fr';
  4. List recent changes on this translation, for example:

     select * from trans_change where translation_id = 9734;
  5. Delete the last translation change, for example:

     delete from trans_change where id = XYZ;
  6. Run the commit_pending thing by hand. This time it should complete rather quickly.

  7. If commit_pending still does not complete, or if you can't make change in the Weblate web interface to the component that was broken, then you need to do more than this (#16995) ⇒ read on. Else, you can stop here.

  8. Delete all translation history for the broken resource (translation_id); for example:

     delete from trans_change where translation_id = 9734;
  9. Make Weblate forget the broken component, then re-add it. To do so:

    1. Log in as the weblate user.

    2. cd ~/scripts/.

    3. Start ipython3.

    4. Run code based on this example, line by line:

      import tailsWeblate
      fpath = 'wiki/src/install/mac/usb.es.po'
      sp = tailsWeblate.subProject(fpath)
      sp = tailsWeblate.addComponent(fpath)

Maintenance mode

To disable cron.sh temporarily, run:

touch /var/lib/weblate/config/.maintenance

To re-enable cron.sh, run:

rm /var/lib/weblate/config/.maintenance

Unlock translations

When Weblate fails to fetch from repositories it locks translations. They can be unlocked with:

sudo -u weblate podman exec -t -i weblate weblate unlock_translation tails